Best Identity Theft Protection Insurance Services In The US

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Identity theft can occur in a variety of ways, including the use of a stolen social security number or credit card information. And it can be difficult to resolve, especially if you don’t find the theft for weeks or months.

Identity theft protection services can help you spot potential fraud early and restore your identity. Many of these services include insurance that helps you recoup costs associated with resolving identity theft.

Despite the fact that identity theft services can alert you if your personal information appears on the dark web or is misused, they cannot prevent fraud from occurring. To reduce your risk of identity theft, you have to be proactive and safeguard your personal information.

Listed below are the top identity theft services that can alert you to potential breaches.

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Our Top Picks for Identity Theft Protection
  • Aura – Best for Multiple Devices
  • Identity Guard – Best for Seniors
  • LifeLock – Best Features
  • IdentityForce – Best for Comprehensive Protection
  • ReliaShield – Best Identity Theft Protection for Families
  • IdentityIQ – Best for Credit Monitoring Services
  • IDShield – Best for Restoration
In an Identity Theft Protection Service, what should I look for?

When searching for an identity theft protection service, consider the protection that is important to you and within your budget. A top-tier plan may appear to be the best option, but if what you need can be fulfilled with a more economical plan, it may be more fitting. Credit monitoring, reporting, and alerts regarding suspicious activity in your financial accounts are essentials that are provided on most plans regardless of tier. So, if these features are the only ones necessary, a less costly package will suffice.

If you want more safety than standard credit and fiscal tracking, midrange plans can be beneficial. Dark web surveillance, social media surveillance, and address adjustment notices are all included in some midrange plans. Moreover, identity restoration services which entail a specialized customer service rep and insurance to assist with the recovery of your identity in case of theft can be located within midrange plans. Security is not the only perk- financial planning options such as a credit score simulation tool to evaluate the influence of major financial decisions – like obtaining a second mortgage – on your credit are also available.

A premium identity theft plan offers more services. You can get credit reports from one or more bureaus, file-sharing network searches, medical ID monitoring, reports from sex offender registry sites, and real-time notifications if someone tries to open your account using your data. In addition to ID theft protection, some companies provide computer protection, such as malware protection, safe web browsing tools, and VPNs.

  • Monthly plan cost: $12.00
  • Yearly plan cost (Per Month): $9
  • ID theft insurance: Up to $1 million per adult for eligible losses and fees
  • Trial Period: 14 days

Our reasons for choosing it:

With its comprehensive account monitoring features and several online security tools for a large number of devices, Aura ranks as our best identity theft protection for multiple devices.

Consumers who own a lot of personal technology and are looking for a way to get ID theft protection and cybersecurity software on all of them will find Aura’s plans most appealing. Individual plans cover ten devices, a figure that scales with the number of members on Couple and Family plans. Customers can cover up to 20 or 50 devices with these plans, respectively.

All of Aura’s plans offer a variety of tools for protecting your identity and finances, including a wide variety of credit monitoring options and comprehensive credit services, making it an excellent identity theft protection service overall. Additionally, the plans come with malware protection, a VPN, antivirus software, and a password manager.

As a bonus, Aura’s Family plan comes with parental controls on mobile devices to keep your children safe by blocking and filtering content, limiting screen time, and tracking internet usage.

Advantages of Aura: 

  1. Monitoring and real-time credit inquiry alerts from all three major credit bureaus
  2. All plans include VPN, antivirus software, and a password manager
  3. 24/7 US-based case managers and customer service
  4. Annual plans come with a 60-day money-back guarantee

Disadvantages of Aura: 

  1. The basic plan is more expensive than its competitors
  2. Cybersecurity characteristics differ between operating systems.
  • Monthly plan cost: Starting at $6.67
  • ID theft insurance: Up to $1 million for eligible losses and fees
  • Trial period: No free trial; 60-day money-back guarantee on annual plans

Our reasons for choosing it:

Due to its prompt notifications and its use of artificial intelligence to detect threats preemptively, Identity Guard stands out as the best identity theft protection.

If you are a senior, a child, a victim of a data breach, a past ID theft victim, or someone who is more likely to lose their identity, Identity Guard is a great service. One of the most outstanding features of the protection service is its AI-powered scanning platform, which analyzes and learns fraud patterns to inform consumers if they face a high risk of identity theft.

AI technology is what enables the company to send alerts at record speeds. According to Power Consulting’s 2019 Review of Speed and Coverage Study, Identity Guard customers receive alerts within four minutes of a threat being identified. In the same study, it is mentioned that the company sends more alerts — nearly 15% more than its industry competitors — so customers are aware of their situation and consequently better protected.

Advantages of Identity Guard: 

  1. Identifies identity threats using artificial intelligence (AI)
  2. Assistance with ID recovery is available from US-based case managers
  3. The Risk Management Score measures your vulnerability to identity fraud
  4. A mid-tier plan includes three-bureau credit monitoring and a monthly credit score

Disadvantages of Identity Guard: 

  1. Only the most expensive plan offers credit reports
  2. Entry-level value plans do not include credit monitoring
# LifeLock
  • Monthly plan cost:  Starting at $7.50
  • ID theft insurance:  Up to $1 million each for lawyers and experts, personal expense compensation, and stolen funds reimbursement
  • Trial period:  No free trial; 60-day money-back guarantee on annual plans

Our reasons for choosing it: 

As a result of its extensive cybersecurity software, LifeLock offers the best identity theft protection.

When LifeLock by Norton is bundled with Norton 360, a cybersecurity suite designed to provide multiple layers of protection against existing and emerging cyber threats in a single product, it is at its best. In addition to antivirus and malware protection, Norton360 includes parental controls, a password manager, a VPN, and a cloud backup service for Windows computers.

Compared to other identity theft services, LifeLock’s basic plan isn’t as feature-packed. In contrast, it offers several monitoring services not commonly included in identity theft protection packages, such as social media monitoring, payday loan monitoring, and bank account takeover alerts.

Overall, Lifelock provides excellent identity theft protection – just watch out for the service’s rate hike at the end of the first year.

Advantages of LifeLock:

  1. With Norton device protection, cloud storage, and VPN services bundled together
  2. Money-back guarantee of 60 days (with annual membership)
  3. 24/7 live customer service support
  4. Interface that is simple and easy to use

Disadvantages of LifeLock:

  1. On most plans, credit monitoring and reports are limited to one bureau
  2. After the first year, plan rates increase
#Identity Force
  • Monthly plan cost: Starting at $19.95
  • ID theft insurance: Up to $1 million in out-of-pocket expenses and lost wages reimbursement
  • Trial period:  30 days

Our reasons for choosing it: 

Because its starting plan includes an extensive selection of monitoring types, alerts, and cybersecurity tools, IdentityForce is our best identity theft protection.

The IdentityForce identity theft protection packages – UltraSecure and UltraSecure+Credit – are not cheap (unless you find a discount), but what they lack in affordability they make up for in features.

With IdentityForce’s UltraSecure plan, you’ll get access to nearly everything the company offers, including advanced features such as sex offender monitoring, investment account alerts, and medical ID fraud prevention services.

In addition, the UltraSecure+Credit plan includes credit scores and reports from all three credit bureaus, as well as a credit score simulator to evaluate the effects of certain financial decisions.

It’s also a good choice if you’re interested in child identity theft protection or a comprehensive package of credit services. Its ChildWatch add-on offers ongoing identity monitoring, SSN monitoring, and award-winning social media monitoring.

Advantages of Identity Force:

  1. Anti-phishing and keylogging software, as well as a fake network detector
  2. An add-on service designed to combat child identity theft
  3. Social media monitoring and junk mail opt-out are included in the base plan
  4. Integrated monitoring, reports, and scores from three bureaus

Disadvantages of Identity Force: 

  1. It is much more expensive than its competitors
  2. Monitoring is not included
# Relia Shield
  • Monthly plan cost:  Starting at $7.99
  • ID theft insurance:  Up to $1 million stolen funds and expenses reimbursement
  • Trial period:  No free trial available; pro-rated refund for unused membership months

Our reasons for choosing it: 

Due to its comprehensive and highly affordable group packages, ReliaShield is our top pick for family identity theft protection.

The ReliaShield family plan costs $13.49 per month for two adults, while the cost of family identity monitoring plans usually starts at $25. All plans come with competitive pricing, five types of monitoring, data breach updates, 24/7 customer service, and wallet protection in addition to competitive pricing. In addition to covering children under 18, all plans are free of charge, making them ideal for households with many minors.

ReliaShield’s starting individual and family plans offer credit report reminders. But for more extensive protection, you’ll need to upgrade to the mid or high-tier plans. These plans include single or three-bureau credit monitoring, a monthly credit score tracker, credit card application notifications, and neighborhood predator and social media monitoring, which is especially useful for families. However, these features are not available on the Essential plan.

Advantages of Relia Shield:

  1. All children under 18 are covered by family plans
  2. Monitoring of predators on the dark web and in the neighborhood
  3. 24/7 customer service and unlimited recovery assistance
  4. Alerts about data breaches

Disadvantages of Relia Shiled:

  1. Only the most expensive plan offers three-bureau credit monitoring
  2. Credit monitoring is not included in the base plan
  • Monthly plan cost: Starting at $5.94
  • ID theft insurance: Up to $1 million in stolen funds reimbursement
  • Trial period:  No free trial is available

Our reasons for choosing it: 

Because IdentityIQ offers the most comprehensive range of credit-related services across most of its four plan tiers, it is our best identity theft protection for credit monitoring.

Consumers who are most concerned with their credit safety and health will find IdentityIQ most effective. In addition to essential identity theft monitoring, the company’s identity monitoring plans all include credit monitoring services and tracking. As well as single or three-bureau monitoring, higher-tier plans include credit score simulators and alerts when your score changes.

In addition to a wider range of plan options, the company may be a good choice for consumers on a tighter budget. In addition to daily credit alerts from one credit agency, dark web monitoring, Social Security monitoring, lost wallet assistance, and up to $1 million in stolen funds, the Secure plan is only $6.99 a month — $5.94 with an annual payment.

Advantages of Identity IQ:

  1. Most plans include three-bureau credit monitoring and scores
  2. Monitors utility bills, cell phones, and credit applications
  3. An ID restoration service based in the United States
  4. Budget-friendly plan

Disadvantages of Identity IQ:

  1. Comparatively limited identity monitoring services
  2. There is no money-back guarantee or free trial period
# IDShield:
  • Monthly plan cost:  Starting at $14.95
  • ID theft insurance:  Up to $1 million in coverage for lawyers and experts and other unrecovered costs
  • Trial period: No free trial; 30-day money-back guarantee

Our reasons for choosing it: 

Due to its combination of licensed private investigators and affordable three-bureau monitoring, IDShield ranks as our best identity theft protection for restoration.

Due to its use of professional investigators, IDShield is a good choice for identity restoration. They will help you find the source(s) of fraud. There are two monitoring plans offered by the company to individuals and families: a three-bureau plan and a one-bureau plan. Each family member who may be a victim of fraud is assigned a different investigator if you subscribe to a family plan.

The IDShield plans include dark web surveillance, credit score tracking for one year, credit reporting disputes, as well as monitoring of court records, financial accounts, and personal information. Furthermore, the company monitors social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, flagging problematic posts or comments. However, detailed credit reports are not included in any of its plans.

Advantages of IDShield:

  1. Licensed private investigators on staff
  2. Consulting and restoration services are unlimited
  3. Check your social media for unwanted images and posts
  4. Track your credit score monthly

Disadvantages of IDShield:

  1. Credit reports are not provided in detail
  2. Annual plans do not qualify for discounts
How Does Identity Theft Happen? explains that identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal or financial information without your permission. If someone opens an account in your name, uses a stolen credit card, applies for a loan, or reroutes your mail, they can damage your credit rating and cost you a lot of money and time.

According to the Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Sentinel Network, government documents or benefits fraud, credit card fraud, and loan or lease fraud are among the most common types of identity theft.

Unfortunately, identity theft is relatively easy to commit, especially if the victim failed to take adequate precautions, such as subscribing to an identity theft protection service, using strong passwords, and installing antivirus software. Additionally, there are ways to bypass financial service providers’ efforts to deter identity theft, such as warning you about unusual purchases (for example).

As opposed to traditional identity theft, identity fraud is closely related, but a consumer usually remembers communicating with the criminal through text, phone, or email during which their personal information was stolen. Traditional ID theft, on the other hand, is difficult to pinpoint when it happened. A 2022 report by Javelin Strategy and Research found that identity fraud losses in 2021 totaled $52 billion and affected 42 million U.S. residents.

GBG, an identity verification company, published a report in 2022 that found:

  1. In the 12 months preceding the publication of the report, almost 10% of consumers were victims of identity fraud.
  2. A company that does not protect its customers’ information or delivers a poor customer experience will lose more and more customers.
  3. According to 57% of consumers, security is the most important consideration when opening a new digital account.
  4. Identity verification services aren’t used by nearly a third of businesses.

The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center revealed that in 2022, approximately 300,000 individuals reported losses totaling $52 million as a result of phishing scams. Phishing attacks involve hackers sending deceptive emails crafted to appear as if they’ve been sent by the victim’s bank, another financial institution, or a company they use. The website link included in the email, however, leads recipients to a site controlled by the hacker. If personal information is entered into the fields displayed after clicking on the link, it may be purloined by the scammer.

According to Consumer Reports:

  1. Consumers are somewhat or very concerned about people stealing their personal information (74%).
  2. In order to protect the privacy of consumers, nearly all Americans (96%) believe that companies should take additional steps.
  3. Sixty-two percent of internet-connected product owners believe they can compromise their privacy.
  4. Privacy is generally more important to people who have experienced a data breach.

According to a report by the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC), it received 14,817 reports of identity theft in 2022, down from 14,947 in 2021.

There were 55% of reported identity crime cases related to compromised credentials, 40% to misuse of credentials, and 1% to victims being notified about attempted but unsuccessful misuse of their credentials.

A total of 46% of non-governmental and non-financial accounts were misused in 2022, with social media accounts making up 72% of non-governmental and non-financial accounts misused.

Approximately 61% of reported identity misuse occurred as a result of existing account takeovers in 2022, followed by misuse related to new account creations (32%).

As of 2022, 80% of identity compromises involved identity credentials, up from 77 percent a year ago. 61% of people who contacted the ITRC about compromised identities were victims of Google Voice scams.

Identity Theft Prevention

You cannot fully prevent identity theft, even if you subscribe to an identity theft protection service. However, this type of service performs a critical function: It monitors important personal information such as your Social Security number, financial accounts, social media accounts, and other personal data for you (which can be very time-consuming). You will receive an instant alert on your cell phone or other device if the service detects that your data has been compromised.

The ID theft protection service can also monitor changes to your credit file—for example, if someone attempts to take out a loan in your name—through one or all three major credit bureaus. In addition, it can send you credit reports on a regular basis, monitor the dark web and data breaches for your personal information, etc.

By immediately contacting your bank, other financial institutions, as well as other parties, Robert Siciliano, CEO of, you can limit the damage an identity thief can cause by limiting the damage. A lot of identity theft protection services offer a trained agent who can assist you in restoring your identity if it is stolen.

You can also protect your identity by subscribing to an identity theft protection service:

  1. Reviewing bank and credit accounts regularly for suspicious activity
  2. Using a password manager to set strong passwords
  3. Protecting your online identity with a VPN
  4. Using antivirus software to protect your devices from viruses and other malware
  5. Regularly collecting your physical mail and using a locked mailbox to protect your personal information from theft

You can find more tips in our guide, 10 Ways to Prevent Identity Theft. If you think your identity has been stolen, here are 10 things you should do right away.

To help you choose the best identity theft protection service, we’ve discussed some of the benefits of identity theft protection, features that a good service should have, and other important information.

Is Identity Theft Protection Service Necessary?

As explained above, identity theft protection isn’t strictly necessary, but it can help protect your identity and finances. You can also receive assistance from an ID theft protection service if you are a victim of identity theft by having a trained, U.S.-based investigator assigned to your case to help you restore your reputation.

Even if you do not subscribe to an identity theft protection service, you still have some protection. Credit card companies, for example, help merchants resolve suspicious charges that may indicate a stolen card by monitoring their customers’ accounts for suspicious charges. However, most people find it worth the monthly cost to subscribe to an identity theft protection service.

But even if you subscribe to one of these services, Robert Douglas, an information and security consultant, and certified identity theft risk management specialist, says not to relax. If you honestly don’t look at bank statements that often and won’t use these tools myself, then an identity theft protection service functions by standing in for you and giving you the monitoring capabilities that you might already have with [credit cards and banks].

A service that protects against identity theft requires you to provide personal information, such as your Social Security number, financial account numbers, and other personal information, so the service can monitor your activity. This means that you must be comfortable disclosing this information to the service.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
  1. Is credit monitoring a good idea?

    Credit monitoring is a beneficial means to track all activity related to your credit accounts while reducing the danger of identity theft. Often part of an identity theft protection program, these services immediately alert you to any changes of your credit report, and if anyone attempts to open a financial account (e.g., bank or credit card) with your name/social security number. This notification will enable users to quickly respond to any possible fraud resulting in minimized damage that an identity thief may cause.

  2. How does identity theft insurance work?

    If you have your identity stolen, it can be very expensive. You might have to challenge unauthorized purchases, as well as your credit rating, causing you to have to pay more for loans. Additionally, you might have to pay legal fees, accountant fees, and child or elder care expenses. To accomplish all of this, you might have to take unpaid time off work.

    Despite its limitations, identity theft insurance reimburses expenses related to identity theft. Read your identity theft protection service’s terms and conditions carefully to determine if any insurance is included with your subscription and what it covers.

    It is not the same as homeowners’ or renter’s insurance, which covers your home and its contents if they are damaged. LifeLock, Identity Guard, and other ID theft protection services only reimburse expenses associated with recovering stolen IDs.

  3. If my identity is stolen, what should I do?

    The first step if you believe your identity has been stolen is to file a claim with your identity theft insurance. If you don’t have identity theft insurance, then proceed straight to filing a report with the Federal Trade Commission. (If you have identity theft insurance, you’ll still need to file this report in addition to your insurance claim.) Once you file these claims and reports, you’ll also need to contact the police.

    Next, you should place a fraud alert on your credit report and freeze your credit. If you sign up for a credit monitoring service or an identity theft protection service, some of the companies in this rating will provide assistance to users who have been victimized by identity theft.

    You will also want to check your existing credit cards and bank statements for mystery charges and file a report with your bank or creditor, and add all inquiries and accounts that aren’t yours to all reports. Change all financial passwords and security systems.

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